Download free printable Grade 7 Life Orientation Worksheets, Tests, Assignments and Projects.
A healthy mind and body
Advertising media
Advice on careers
African cultures
Attitudes HIV/AIDS
Balance movements
Balancing your body
Ball games
Being organised
Building a positive self-image
Career choices
Career fields
Career planning
Careers – brainstorming
Careers – case study
Careers – personal potential
Careers – role play
Careers in medical field
Caring for others – charity
Caring for the needy
Cheating in sports
Choosing a University
Citizenship, Human Rights, South Africa 1
Citizenship, Human Rights, South Africa 2
Civilized society
Community, disease, HIV
Completing tasks on time
Conflict resolution
Dealing with choices
Dealing with emotions
Dealing with emotions – role play
Design a game
Different religions
Disease, cancer, attitudes
Disease, community, attitudes
Disease, HIVAIDS
Diversity – religion
Elevation movement and injuries
Elevation movements
Eleven official languages
Environmental Health
Environment, pollution 2
Environment, pollution 3
Environment, problems
Environmental health
Exploring cultures
Feelings – emotions
Fitness programme
Forms of advertising
Further study institutions
Gender stereotyping
Health disease, HIV AIDS
Health, nutrition, eating habits
Healthy living – being active
Healthy self-image
How to make good decisions
Human Rights, South Africa, Citizenship 1
Human Rights, South Africa, Citizenship 2
Human Rights, South Africa, Citizenship 3
Human Rights, South Africa, Citizenship 4
Identifying conflict situations
Importance of a fitness programme
Importance of advertising
Improving body strength and balance
Influence of media – alcohol
Job satisfaction
Journalism – reporting article on a school event
Keeping fit
Low self-esteem
Malnutrition and starvation
Movement – exercises
Oral traditions
Oral traditions – selfishness and greed
Orientation – activity
Orientation – concepts of orientating
Orientation – developing a map
Orientation – outdoor activity
Orientation – physical activity
Orientation – stretching activities
Peer pressure, attitudes, values
Peer pressure, sexuality
Personal diet – A healthy daily diet
Personal diet – A healthy daily diet 2
Personal diet – A healthy daily diet 3
Personal diet – A healthy daily diet 4
Personal diet – A healthy daily diet 5
Physical activity
Physical fitness
Positive self-image
Practical stretching activities
Prejudice, Stereotyping 1
Prejudice, Stereotyping 2
Prejudice, Stereotyping 3
Prejudice, Stereotyping 4
Qualities of good decision makers
Range of emotions
Religious teachings – Islam
Religious text – Christianity 1
Religious text – Christianity 2
Resolving conflicts
Rotation movement
Rules in cricket – fair play
Self confidence
Sexuality, attitudes, values 1
Sexuality, attitudes, values 2
Sexuality, risk behaviour
Showing respect
Smoking cigarettes
Social wellbeing
SQ3R study method
Stimulating decision-making
Study methods
Study methods – taking notes
Study skills
Study skills – procrastinating
Studying is planning
Subject choices
The connection between a healthy mind and body
The decision-making process
The importance of having a good self-image
Time management
Value systems and traditions
Values – cheating
Values – respect
Volunteer organisations
Work choices