To mitigate the impact of COVID19 on learning, the Department of Basic Education (DBE) working in collaboration with Provincial Education Departments (PEDs) and other key stakeholders including teacher unions has put together a school recovery plan in 2020. The proposed school recovery plan entails in the main recovery of the lost time, reorganisation and trimming of the curriculum content and the reduction of assessment tasks to create more time for teaching and learning.
Due to the reduced time spent on teaching and learning, some curriculum content could not be delivered during the 2020 school year, and the Department of Basic Education has determined that these learning losses will be compensated for by implementing a Three-Year Curriculum Recovery Framework. The rationale of the three-year curriculum recovery framework is to outline the process to manage the learning losses that occurred in the 2020 academic year.
Key activities to enable curriculum recovery includes the revision of the 2021 ATPs, focusing on core concepts and skills for Grade R-11, with consolidation of foundational knowledge required for the subsequent grade/s. In addition, the School Based Assessment regime has been amended to support the curriculum recovery. The revision of the programme of assessment necessitated a review of the weightings in most subjects.
The purpose of this document is to outline the revised programme of assessment for school based assessment tasks of all subjects, indicating the revised weightings per task, as part of the recovery programme. Principals, Departmental Heads, and Teachers are urged to familiarise themselves with the revised weightings in the respective subjects for implementation in 2021.