Download free printable Grade 8 English Home Language Worksheets, Tests, Assignments, Investigations and Projects.
Aural text – King M – setting plot character
Class discussion on the best computer games
Components of sentences subject predicate object main clauses subordinate clauses etc
Comprehending visual text – TJ
Comprehension test – Mention of Bus Rapid Transit
Conducting a survey on food preferences
Creative writing using aural and visual prompts
Critical language awareness – abusive tricks through language
Critical response to text – Feeling Stressed
Deliver a pursuasive speech focus on the language used
Delivery and content of an impromptu speech
Delivery of an impromptu speech
Describing an activity you also have to demonstrate
Determine cultural and emotional value in visual text
Develop a questionnaire and interview your neighbour
Developing a questionnaire for learners on crime
Developing writing and presenting a role play
Discussing a contentious topic
Doing a project – a local sight of interest
Formulating instruction which others must follow do
Grammar – fill in the correct word
Grammar – meaning of certain prefixes and suffixes
Grammar in context parts of speech prepositions
Have a debate on a contentious issue
Have a debate on transport issues – Bus Rapid Transport
Hold a debate and consider communication of ideas and a range of interaction skills
Identifying register – Brother Ali
Idiomatic expressions – game trade or custom meaning in context
Information about – He ain’t heavy he’s my brother
Interview and recording of answers
Language structure – sentence construction
Letter writing formal elements
Listening and speaking discussion and viewpoints – Mention of Bus Rapid Transit
Listening Comprehension – a horror story
Listening Comprehension – song
Listening comprehension – The Lowdown on High Heels
Listening comprehension of radio advert – Hyenas Laughing
Listening comprehension of radio advert Service is more…
Listening comprehension of radio advertisement
Listening Skills – King of the Underground Drum
Listening skills and sequence texts
Listening skills speaking discussion bias and prejudice
Listening Skils and conversation – Oh my word
Listening Skills and conversation – Oh my word
Listening to a radio advertisement
Main clauses – subordinate clauses
Making a humerous speech for entertainment purposes
Making a mind map for essay writing
Making a survey – designing of instruments and date analysis plus writing the report
Narrative poetry – Lord Randall
Narrative poetry – The Highwayman
Newspaper article analysis – Pathetic
Paragraph writing consider only one main idea
Prepare a speech on the topic – Opposites Attract
Prepared reading of an abstract to your class
Punctuation exercise in context
Read an advert and apply the AIDA principles
Read an extract from a novel to your class
Reading a text from a novel to your class – focus on meaning and efficiency
Reading a text to your class – focus on the feedback of others
Reading aloud from a book of your choice
Reading an advertisement-Seniors at Total Fitness Health club
Reading and discussion of The Hero
Reading and response to a letter
Reading and response to text – buyers beware of prescription drugs
Reading and summarising a printed article
Reading comprehension – Dicing students lead cops on a merry chase
Reading comprehension – figures of speech
Reading comprehension and punctuation
Reading comprehension creative writing – Jasons Big Test
Reading comprehension -Facing up to a new life
Reading comprehension on Bleak House by Charles Dickens
Reading comprehension on Xenophobia
Reading exercise to determine tone and key features of a text
Reading texts and allocating headings
Response to text – Anne Frank’s unstilled voice is still audible
Sentence construction conjunctions and relative pronouns
Sentence types command statement question instruction and exhaustion
Song Analysis and context – Where Have All the Flowers Gone
Song comprehension – He ain’t heavy he’s my brother
Speaking Planning a discussion
Strategies for better spelling
Style – sentence construction sentence length sentence type
Text analysis – Figures of Speech
The unprepared speech – techniques
Verbally explain to others how to do an experiment
Visual literacy – composition of a photograph
Word meaning roots and current meaning
Writing a descriptive essay using auditory and tactile imagery
Writing a letter describing an event you attended
Writing a summary on Why child stars drown in drug riddled hole