The National State of Disaster due to Covid and the ensuing lockdown has created a unique situation which has disrupted the school calendar thus impacting on the implementation of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) for the 2020 academic year.
To mitigate the impact of the Covid lockdown, the Department of Basic Education (DBE) working in collaboration Provincial Education Departments (PEDs), has put together a framework for curriculum recovery plans after the extended lockdown. The framework, which was consulted with key stakeholders in the sector, proposes a revised school calendar and curriculum reorganization and trimming, as some of the strategies to create opportunities for curriculum recovery.
The purpose of the revised phase plan and revised annual national teaching plans is to:
- ensure that meaningful teaching proceeds during the revised school calendar.
- assist teachers with guided pacing and sequencing of curriculum content and assessment.
- enable teachers to cover the essential core content in each phase within the available time.
- address assessment overload to recoup time loss.
- assist teachers with planning for the different forms of assessment.
- ensure learners are adequately prepared for the subsequent year/s in terms of content, skills,
knowledge, attitudes, and values
To meet the above-mentioned objectives, Section 3 of the CAPS, which deals with the overview of topics per term and annual teaching plans per subject have been trimmed and/or re-organised for the year 2020. The revised teaching and assessment plans are effective from the 8th June 2020.