The Flipped Classroom is a new method of teaching that is turning the traditional classroom on its head.
Every day, thousands of teachers deliver the exact same lesson in class to millions of learners. Every night, millions of learners sit over the exact same homework, trying to figure out how to solve it. The Flipped Classroom is turning this upside down.
Traditionally learners listen to lectures and take tests in class and read textbooks and work on problem sets at home. In flip teaching, learners first study the topic by themselves, typically using video lessons on YouTube and then apply the knowledge by solving problems and doing practical work in class.
Modern schools who flipped their classroom report many benefits:
- It allows all learners to learn at their own pace as videos can be watched again.
- Its more efficient, as learners enter the classroom prepared to contribute.
- It enriches the lesson as more time can be spent on group work and projects.
- Doing homework in class allows learners to help each other, which benefits both the advanced and less advanced learners.
Flipping also bring changes for teachers. Traditionally, teachers engage most with the confident learners who ask questions. Flipping allows teachers to target the learners who really need help instead of just those who are confident. Also, instead of instructing from the front, teachers “guide on the side”. This allows them to work more closely with individual learners or small groups.
Teachers that are not great presenters can use third party videos to explain the concept and focus on the methods of teaching that suits their style, such as project work or experiments. Once video lectures are made available online, teachers don’t have to give the same lecture over and over again. Again they gain more time to focus on the needs of their class.
A lot of scholars also argue that the flipped classroom model promotes equal learning opportunities as all kids get the same attention when doing their homework. Currently kids with caring parents, older siblings at home or expensive private tutors have a clear advantage over those who don’t.
Let us know what you think! If you are a teacher, tell us if this model would be possible in your classroom. If you are a learner let us know if you would prefer learning in a flipped classroom.