The following schools are looking for educators and the closing date for all applications is 15 March 2022:
Hoerskool President High School is a school school located at Tygerberg street, Vrijzee 7640 Western Cape Province and invites suitable applicants to apply for a Substitute SGB Educator Post to teach the following subjects:
Technology Grade 8 – 9
Tourism Grade 10 – 12
Requirements for the post
- REQV 13 or above
- Short application letter
- Comprehensive CV with at least 2 contactable references
- Certified copies of all qualifications and transcripts
- Certified copy of Matric Certificate
- Certified copy of ID
- Certified copy of SACE certificate
- Computer Literate
- Must be able to teach in English and Afrikaans
Applications should be emailed to: [email protected]
Closing Date: 15 March 2022
Enquiries: 021 591 5181
Molebye Secondary School is a public combined school located at Siyadlelwa Barokong Ba Lefifi, Nokaneng 2380, Mpumalanga Province and invites suitable applicants to apply for a Temporary Educator Post to teach the following subjects:
English Grade 8 – 12
Geography Grade 10 – 12
Requirements for the post
- Completed EDU 1 Form (Click here to get the form)
- REQV 13 or above
- Short application letter
- Comprehensive CV with at least 2 contactable references
- Certified copies of all qualifications and transcripts
- Certified copy of Matric Certificate
- Certified copy of ID
- Certified copy of SACE certificate
Applications should be hand delivered at Molebye Secondary School at Siyadlelwa Barokong Ba Lefifi, Nokaneng 2380, Mpumalanga Province
Closing Date: 15 March 2022
Enquiries: 072 678 1636
Itokisetseng Combined School is a public combined school located at Sanniesrus Farm, Wesselsbron, 9680, Free State Province and invites suitable applicants to apply for a Vacant Foundation Phase Educator Post to teach the Grade R.
Requirements for the post
- Completed Z83 Form (Click here to get the form)
- REQV 13 or above
- Short application letter
- Comprehensive CV with at least 2 contactable references
- Certified copies of all qualifications and transcripts
- Certified copy of Matric Certificate
- Certified copy of ID
- Certified copy of SACE certificate
Applications should be hand delivered at Itokisetseng Combined School at Sanniesrus Farm, Wesselsbron, 9680, Free State Province or emailed to: [email protected]
Closing Date: 15 March 2022
Enquiries: 082 925 3051
Edgemead High School is a public school located at Letchworth Drive, Edgemead, Western Cape Province and invites suitable applicants to apply for a Temporary Maternity Educator Post to teach the following subject:
Afrikaans HL Grade 8 – 12
Requirements for the post
- Experience in teaching EAT to Grade 12
- REQV 13 or above
- Short application letter
- Comprehensive CV with at least 2 contactable references
- Certified copies of all qualifications and transcripts
- Certified copy of Matric Certificate
- Certified copy of ID
- Certified copy of SACE certificate
Applications should be emailed to: [email protected]
Closing Date: 15 March 2022
Enquiries: 021 558 1132
Luvhaivhai Secondary School s a secondary school located at Mutandani, Lwamondo, Limpopo Province and invites suitable applicants to apply for a Substitute Educator Post No. 1 to teach the following subjects:
Mathematics Grade 8 – 9
Mathematical Literacy Grade 10 – 12
English Grade 10 – 12
Requirements for the post
- REQV 13 or above
- Short application letter
- Comprehensive CV with at least 2 contactable references
- Certified copies of all qualifications and transcripts
- Certified copy of Matric Certificate
- Certified copy of ID
- Certified copy of SACE certificate
Applications should be hand delivered at Lwamondo Circuit Office
Closing Date: 15 March 2022
Enquiries: 082 433 5170
Mamahlo Primary School is a primary school located at Nobody, Ga Mothiba, Limpopo Province and invites suitable applicants to apply for a Temporary Educator Post No. 6 to teach the following subjects:
Sepedi Grade 4 – 7
Social Sciences Grade 4 – 7
Requirements for the post
- Completed LPDE 01 Form (Click here to get the form)
- REQV 13 or above
- Short application letter
- Comprehensive CV with at least 2 contactable references
- Certified copies of all qualifications and transcripts
- Certified copy of Matric Certificate
- Certified copy of ID
- Certified copy of SACE certificate
Applications should be hand delivered at Mamahlo Primary School at Nobody, Ga Mothiba, Limpopo Province
Closing Date: 15 March 2022 at 10h00
Enquiries: 083 480 2915 / 079 070 8796
Lwamondo High School is a secondary school located at Tshifulanani Village, Lwamondo, Limpopo Province and invites suitable applicants to apply for a Temporary Educator Post No. 56 to teach the following subject:
Life Sciences Grade 10 – 12
Requirements for the post
- REQV 13 or above
- Short application letter
- Comprehensive CV with at least 2 contactable references
- Certified copies of all qualifications and transcripts
- Certified copy of Matric Certificate
- Certified copy of ID
- Certified copy of SACE certificate
Applications should be hand delivered at Lwamondo Circuit Office
Closing Date: 15 March 2022
Enquiries: 083 746 6550
Marobala Primary School is a primary school located at Marobala Village, Dikgale, Limpopo Province and invites suitable applicants to apply for a Permanent Educator Post to teach the following subjects:
Social Sciences Grade 5 – 7
English Grade 5 – 7
Requirements for the post
- REQV 13 or above
- Short application letter
- Comprehensive CV with at least 2 contactable references
- Certified copies of all qualifications and transcripts
- Certified copy of Matric Certificate
- Certified copy of ID
- Certified copy of SACE certificate
Applications should be hand delivered at Marobala Primary School at Marobala Village, Dikgale, Limpopo Province
Closing Date: 15 March 2022 at 13h00
Enquiries: 073 212 9270 / 079 472 9958
Mosibudi High School is a secondary school located at Hlohlokwe, Sekororo, Trichardtsdal, Limpopo Province and invites suitable applicants to apply for a Temporary Substitute Educator Post No. 6 to teach the following subjects:
Mathematics Grade 10 – 12
Physical Sciences Grade 10 – 12
Requirements for the post
- REQV 13 or above
- Short application letter
- Comprehensive CV with at least 2 contactable references
- Certified copies of all qualifications and transcripts
- Certified copy of Matric Certificate
- Certified copy of ID
- Certified copy of SACE certificate
Applications should be hand delivered at Mosibudi High School at Hlohlokwe, Sekororo, Trichardtsdal, Limpopo Province
Closing Date: 15 March 2022 at 09h00
Enquiries: 083 288 6089
Ditlou Primary School is a primary school located at Thabaleshoba Next To Gilead Police Station, Limpopo Province and invites suitable applicants to apply for a Temporary Foundation Phase Educator Post No. 2 to teach the following subjects:
Life Skills Grade R – 3
Sepedi HL Grade R – 3
Mathematics Grade R – 3
English FAL Grade R – 3
Requirements for the post
- REQV 13 or above
- Short application letter
- Comprehensive CV with at least 2 contactable references
- Certified copies of all qualifications and transcripts
- Certified copy of Matric Certificate
- Certified copy of ID
- Certified copy of SACE certificate
Applications should be hand delivered at Ditlou Primary School at Thabaleshoba Next To Gilead Police Station, Limpopo Province
Closing Date: 15 March 2022 at 09h30
Enquiries: 079 206 6570
Isaac Mhlambi Primary School is a public primary school located at 6207 Chris Hani, Sasolburg, 1949, Free State Province and invites suitable applicants to apply for a Substitute Educator Post to teach the following subjects:
Sesotho Grade 4 – 7
Technology Grade 4 – 7
Natural Sciences Grade 4 – 7
Requirements for the post
- Completed Z83 Form (Click here to get the form)
- REQV 13 or above
- Short application letter
- Comprehensive CV with at least 2 contactable references
- Certified copies of all qualifications and transcripts
- Certified copy of Matric Certificate
- Certified copy of ID
- Certified copy of SACE certificate
Applications should be hand delivered at Isaac Mhlambi Primary School at 6207 Chris Hani, Sasolburg, 1949, Free State Province
Closing Date: 15 March 2022 at 12h00
Enquiries: 016 974 3333
B.K. Matlala Commercial School is a secondary school located at Setumong, Ga Matlala, Limpopo Province and invites suitable applicants to apply for a Temporary Educator Post No. 6 to teach the following subjects:
Sepedi HL Grade 8 – 12
Maths Literacy Grade 10 – 12 / English Grade 8 – 12
Requirements for the post
- REQV 13 or above
- Short application letter
- Comprehensive CV with at least 2 contactable references
- Certified copies of all qualifications and transcripts
- Certified copy of Matric Certificate
- Certified copy of ID
- Certified copy of SACE certificate
Applications should be hand delivered at B.K. Matlala Commercial School at Setumong, Ga Matlala, Limpopo Province or can be emailed to: [email protected]
Closing Date: 15 March 2022 at 13h00
Enquiries: 082 432 5322
Malekutu High School is a secondary school located at Malekutu Section, Pedimamone, Sekwati, Limpopo Province and invites suitable applicants to apply for a Substantive Temporary Educator Post No. 7 to teach the following subjects:
Sepedi HL Grade 8 – 12
Life Orientation Grade 8 – 12
Creative Arts Grade 8 – 9
Requirements for the post
- REQV 13 or above
- Short application letter
- Comprehensive CV with at least 2 contactable references
- Certified copies of all qualifications and transcripts
- Certified copy of Matric Certificate
- Certified copy of ID
- Certified copy of SACE certificate
Applications should be hand delivered at Malekutu High School at Malekutu Section, Pedimamone, Sekwati, Limpopo Province or can be emailed to: [email protected]
Closing Date: 15 March 2022 at 14h00
Enquiries: 083 542 2522