Learn how to create powerful presentations and enhance your PowerPoint skills with this workshop.

This workshop on PowerPoint Presentation will introduce you to the art of creating an effective presentation design with engaging content in Microsoft’s PowerPoint. You will learn the most important principles of presenting, the modality and redundancy principles, and the 6 key qualities to make an idea stick in the audience’s mind. You will also study how to work with mind maps, avoid a cognitive backlog, and more.

Detailed Description of the Workshop

In this workshop you will be introduced to the art of creating impactful presentations with engaging content through PowerPoint. School principals and educational leaders are being called on more and more to deliver presentations regarding their performance inside and outside their organizations. How you deliver these presentations is ultimately a reflection of your executive presence, and in this workshop you will learn how to deliver an effective presentation.

This workshop begins by explaining how to plan and organize your presentation, how to tell your message in a way that your audience will remember it and act upon it, and how to deliver your presentation with poise and confidence. Leadership is an important attribute of the modern school principals and educational leaders and being a successful leader in part hinges on your ability to communicate your ideas in a way that people will follow. This workshop has been tailor – made for education professionals.

You will also learn about using PowerPoint as an effective visual aid to supplement any presentation as well as how PowerPoint can be used to create your own graphics and customise imagery to share your ideas visually with your audience.

Workshop Outcomes

After completing this workshop, you will be able to:

  • List the important principles of presenting
  • Identify how to work with mind maps
  • Outline how to avoid cognitive backlog
  • Recognize how to create an opening that develops rapport
  • Identify the 6 key qualities to make an idea stick in the audience’s mind
  • Define the modality and redundancy principles
  • Identify how to create powerful PowerPoint presentations
  • Recognize how to incorporate the multimedia principle to create engaging presentations
  • Discuss the use of charts to summarize numeric data
  • Recognise how to work with videos and graphics to create appealing content
  • Identify when to use transitions and animations to enhance presentations

This Workshop is divided into two main sections:

Presentation Skills

You will be introduced to the art of creating impactful presentations with engaging content through PowerPoint.

  • Persuasion
  • Plan
  • Opening
  • Message
  • Visuals
  • Ending
  • Presenting
  • Questions and Answers
  • Feispeech
  • Intro

PowerPoint Skills

The section not only covers the features of PowerPoint, but more importantly how to use the features to create presentations that stand apart and engage the audience.

  • Intro
  • Plan
  • Overview
  • Design
  • Text
  • Chart
  • Image
  • Video
  • Graphics
  • Transition
  • Animation
  • Presmode

Join our FREE PowerPoint Workshop. Fill in the form below and we will send you the dates and time for which you can attend this training.

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